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11月29日《亞洲氣候變遷治理》新書座談於2020年臺灣社會學年會舉行,在台大社會系的活動現場由本中心主任周桂田教授擔任主持人,佛光大學高淑芬教授為與談人,更特別邀請到日本東北大學長谷川公一教授、韓國首爾大學尹順真教授、英國倫敦國王學院Anshu Ogra博士等作者群透過線上視訊共同與談,討論本書內容外也分享東亞各國最新減碳進程。
長谷川公一簡報其專章「Climate Change Governance in Japan: Critical Review on Japan's INDC and its Energy Policy」。
尹順真分享她的最新研究「Korea's Green New Deal & Net Zero 2050 Pledge: Why and How」。
Ogra博士簡報她的專章「Rethinking Adaptation to Climate Change for the Policy Landscape of India」。
Climate Change Governance in Asia
Korea's Green New Deal & Net Zero 2050 Pledge: Why and How by Prof Yun, Sun-Jin (TSA 1/4)
Climate Change Governance in Japan by Prof Hasegawa, Koichi (TSA 2/4)
Climate Change Governance in Taiwan by Prof Chou, Kuei-Tien (TSA 3/4)
Rethinking Adaptation to Climate Change for the Policy Landscape of India by Dr Anshu Ogra (TSA 4/4)