Gary Downey訪台系列演講:全球化下的工程師與動手做的STS
時間:2016/03/16 (三) 15:00-17:00
地點:國立臺灣大學社會科學院頤賢館 4F第一會議室(419)
講題:On the Making of Global Engineers: Globalization as Dominant Image
The desire for a standardized global engineer is both an exemplar of and metaphor for issues that engineers see challenging them today via globalization. They want help from social scientists and humanists to address complex problems whose demands exceed engineering competencies. But on whose terms? While the social studies scholar sees entanglement, power, and complexity, the engineer wants a checklist. This presentation wrestles with the identity politics of collaboration in globalizing engineers, juxtaposing case material from Korea, France, Germany, and the United States (and Taiwan?). Applying a lens from feminist Science and Technology Studies (STS), it calls attention to what dominant images of engineers make visible and hide, suggesting that such issues as the global engineer compel critical reflection on our knowledge, identities, and commitments. For STS and like-minded scholars, a main challenge is to elevate the scholarship of making and doing, empowering us to confront directly the “So what?” question. For engineers, a main challenge is to recognize social commitments within technical problem solving itself rather than only through applications, so we actually do reach out. My own experiment in critical participation starts with helping engineers learn to reflect on their knowledge, identities, and commitments through the lenses of engineers elsewhere.
相信許多夥伴們都已經知道4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 前任會長Gary Downey (戴格理) 目前正受科技部延攬客座科技人才計畫支持,來台訪問三個月(2016年1月5日至4月4日),擔任台灣大學國家發展研究所訪問講座教授。他將在三月給予四場演講,敬請各位夥伴參加。歡迎大家轉寄或轉貼演講資訊。
Gary Downey目前是美國維吉尼亞理工學院及州立大學(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia Tech)科技與社會系(Science and Technology in Society, STS)講座教授及工程教育系兼任教授。他剛卸任(2015年11月)4S會長,目前也是美國國家工程學院(National Academy of Engineering)高等工程教育學術中心(Center for the Advancement of Scholarship in Engineering Education)核心成員。Downey創辦知名SSCI/SCI期刊Engineering Studies,自創刊迄今仍任主編。學術研究成果及學術領導經驗均屬頂尖、少見,且具開創性。
Downey目前已被認為是「工程研究(engineering studies)」的創始及領導人,在STS及社會科學領域的基本學術教科書( 如STS Handbook及牛津大學社會及行為科學百科)當中,已被數次邀請就「工程研究」主題撰寫專章。他目前也是美國麻省理工學院出版社(The MIT Press)「工程研究叢書(The Engineering Studies Series)」及Morgan & Claypool Publishers 出版社的「全球工程叢書(The Global Engineering Series)」主編。他擔任4S會長任內,開創推動“Making and Doing STS”的新學術運動,來台系列演講即包含此最新主題。
第2場:3/18 (五) 陽明大學,12:30-14:30,圖資大樓929室。講題:What Is STS for? What Are STS Scholars for?: Big STS。
第3場:3/26 (六) 成功大學,11:00-12:00,綠色魔法學校崇華廳。講題:Nonlinear STS: Making and Doing in Science and Technology Studies。
第4場:3/30 (三) 中央研究院,16:00-17:30,歷史語言研究所研究大樓701會議室。講題:Nonlinear Scholarship: Making and Doing in Science and Technology Studies。