Taiwan’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) was established after Environmental Impact Assessment Act was passed by the Legislative Yuan in 1994. The original idea of the EIA is to ensure the application of appropriate deliberation and assessment procedures before a policy or a development project comes into effect, such that environmental impacts are mitigated and society’s differing expectations can be taken into consideration. In practice, however, the EIA does little to reduce public mistrust of government given the frequent occurrences of environmental protests after its implementation. Moreover, while the existing EIA system places emphasis on objective research and assessment methods with regard to environmental impacts, a lack of appropriate attention to social impacts has made the EIA vulnerable to criticisms of its failure to incorporate subject feelings, public opinions, and social and economic impacts. The absence of meaningful public participation in the decision making process has also become a point of contention. With an eye on remedying the situation, this research project reviews social impact assessment (SIA) regulations and relevant academic writings, and analyze the situations in Taiwan and relevant statutes and regulations. In viewed of the recent implementation of Taiwan’s Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, this research project also lays emphasis on issues of aboriginal culture, forced relocation and eminent domain. The objective is to supply relevant policy advices, and a provisional draft of the Technical Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment to be considered as part of the EIA reforms.
學術產出 | |
學術產出類型 | 內容 |
期刊 | 社會影響評估研究團隊(國立臺灣大學社會科學院風險社會與政策研究中心),2017,〈環評時刻之社會影響評估改革芻議:以礦業開發為例〉,台灣法學,第337期,頁142-159。(由通訊作者林木興發表於2017.07.01「國土圓環上的礦業—曠野法修法與展望研討會」,台北。) |
研討會 | Mu-Xing Lin;Ting-Jieh Wang, 2017. Social Impact Assessment and the Amendment of the Electricity Act in Taiwan. 東亞環會 |
媒體投書與專題報導 | |
媒體名稱 & (作者) | 篇名 |
蘋果日報(王鼎傑、吳玗恂) | 礦業法修法應考慮「社會影響」 |
聯合報(林木興) | 環評改革 需要社評配套 |
聯合報(林木興) | 翻轉環評 如何說到做到? |
研究報告 | |
報告類型 | 篇名 |
期末報告 | 環境影響評估社會影響評估技術規範推動計畫專案工作計畫期末報告 |
翻譯書 | 王鼎傑、何明修,2017。社會影響評估:開發行為的社會影響評估與管理指引。台北:巨流。 |
其他產出 | |
類型 | 標題 / 活動名稱 |
工作坊 | 2017社會影響評估工作坊(2017.01.11) |
講座 | 2017社會影響評估國際趨勢系列講座(2017.10.26) |
公聽會 | 2017「環境影響評估社會影響評估技術規範」草案公聽會(2017.07.20台北、08.10台中、08.15高雄、08.23台東) |